The Ocean Seawave ” Pacifc ” brings you fingertip control. This unit has two control knobs on the lid of the unit ,you can control the angle up to 180 degrees and the speed from near stop to quick ,it’s small and compact and runs at 15dba ( from 1 meter await tested ) .
We state the maximum size wave maker to attach to this model is 8000 L/ph to a depth of 225mm from the splash guard to the wave maker ,a wave maker up to 16000,lph can be fitted but the drive rod can be no longer than 120 MM from the splash guard and to use on flow and NOT PULSE ,pulse exerts to much strain on the motor and drive rod .
It has the telescopic extendable drive rod and can be purchased as a bare unit with just the magnetic disc you can buy a 4000l/ph Pod ,8000l/ph Pod ,2000 L/ph Gyre or the 8000 L/ph Slim Unit
All are available in the Selections on the site .